Norsk Kennel Klubb, Norway 15/08-20
Leif-Herman Wilberg, Norway
Exc open class, best open class female, CQ,
2nd best female, CAC, Res. Nordic CAC,
New Norwegian Show Champion
Excellent type, good size, excellent proportions, very well shaped head with good parallelism and good expression. Well placed, but a bit wide ears.
Excellent neck and topline, very good back and tail. Very good angulations and body. Excellent coat and good color. Moves very typical for the breed and with efficiency. Very alert expression
Norsk Kennel Klubb Dogs4All, Norway 17/11-19
Maritha Östlund-Holmsten, Sweden
Good youth class
19 month old female with excellent proportions. Square excellent type.
Feminine head and good length, well carried ears, dark eyes with good expression.
Good bite and teeth.
Beautiful female with excellent topline, well balanced angulations, typical movements, good bone. A bit loose paws. On her way up in coat that is of good structure today. Good length of tail.
Not feeling safe in the ring today
Norsk Kennel Klubb Dogs4All, Norway 15/11-19
Anita Whitmarsh
Exc youth class, best youth class female, CQ
Appealing in whole, excellent proportions, feminin, very good behind, a bit open in front, beautiful head, alert eyes, temperament ok, moves light and freely
Norsk Kennel Klubb Lillehammer, Norway 18/08-19
Leni Finne
Exc junior class, best junior female, CQ,
2nd best female, CAC
Satisfying proportions, good bone, lovely head with paralell lines.
Well placed ears, dark eyes, correct neck and topline.
Enough chest, balanced angulations.
A bit long paws, correct drive and movements.
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb, Norway 17/08-19
Pauline Stern-hanf
Exc junior class, 4th best junior female
Elegant bitch. 15 months. Lovely head with dark exspression. Eyes of nice shape. Medium set and carried ears. Good chizzeling. Excellent stop and paralellisme.
Nice straight muzzle. Well shaped neck. Good back. Moderate rear angulations.
A bit straight in upper arm. Chest has to develope. Elegant bone.
Good movement, but could have a little more reach.
Friendly open behaviour. Coat not in full condition today.
Nice bitch that has to get a bit more substance on the whole.
Norsk Eurasierklubb, Norway 21/07-19
Jasna Matejcic
VG junior class, best junior female
Correct size and proportion. Skinny. Narrow in front and behind. Correct line of head. Should have better angulations in front and rear. Should have better topline.
Good coat. Needs more confidence and ring training.
Norsk Eurasierklubb, Norway 20/07-19
Markku Kipinä
Exc junior class, best junior female
Feminin elegant female, good topline and tail, promesing lines of head.
Bite ok, good ears and eyes. More powerful angulations in the back, needs more body. Promising coat, enough movements
AFBV / SBU swedish specialty show , Sweden 31/05-19
Emanuele Boriero
Exc junior class, 4th best junior female
13 months, full scissor bite. Medium size and bone. Lovely head, flat scull, good stop, good parallellism. Dark almond eyes. Medium ears well set. Good neck and body.
Well developed for her age. Chizelled. Balanced angulation, good movement.
Red coat. Right coat and overlay.
AFBV / SBU swedish specialty show , Sweden 30/05-19
Rui Alves Monteiro
Exc junior class, best junior female, Cq,
4th best female, BOB junior, BISS junior
Very nice bitch, excellent type and outline. Lovely head. Feminine but with substanc. Correct proportions between scull and muzzle.
Dark amond shaped eyes. Wide set and carried ears.
Flat scull, could have slightly refined stop.Very nice topline and underline.
shoulder blade could be more layed back. Very nice angulations in the back.
Moves very well.
Klubben for gårds- og fjellhunder, Norway 20/04-19
Roberto Schill
Exc junior class, best junior female, Cq,
best female, CAC, BOS
Correct head. Very good top and underline. correct legs. enough good movements. good coat and temperament
Norsk Kennel Klub, Norway 17/03-19
Boguslaw Chmiel
Exc junior class, best junior female, CQ,
2nd best female, R.CAC
Good size, good strenght. Excellent type and excellent propotional. Very good feminin head. Very good top and underline. Good angulations back, correct angulated forelegs. Very good typical light movements
Norsk Miniatyrhund Klub, Norway 02/03-19
Sonny Ström, Sweden
Exc junior class, best junior female, CQ,
3rd best female, CAC
10 month old junior female of good type with good propotions. Feminin well shaped head, minimal stop, beautiful eyes, well carried ears, well partet jaw, teeth and bite ok, excellent topline, slight straight overarm otherwise well angulated,
enought chest for age, a nit week pasterns, bone and paws good.
Balanced stride with good drive, a bit loose in front. Excellent coat and color.
Could have a bit more charbonnage
Norsk Dobermann Klub, Norway 28/12-18
Sonny Ström, Sweden
Exc junior class, best junior female, CQ,
3rd best female, CAC
10 month old junior female of good type with good propotions. Feminin well shaped head, minimal stop, beautiful eyes, well carried ears, well partet jaw, teeth and bite ok, excellent topline, slight straight overarm otherwise well angulated,
enought chest for age, a nit week pasterns, bone and paws good.
Balanced stride with good drive, a bit loose in front. Excellent coat and color.
Could have a bit more charbonnage
Rakkestad Hundeklubb Østlandsvalpen, Norway 25/11-18
Dagmar Klein
Best female puppy, HP, BOS puppy
Excellent type, feminin. Correct head. Beautiful expression. Correct mask & dark eyes. Good ears. Compact body. Sub in dev. Moves free. Nice temperament
Moss og omegn Hundeklubb, Norway 09/09-18
Linda Kjeksrud
Best female puppy, HP, BOB puppy, BOG3 puppy
4 1/2 month, very promesing female puppy. Excellent size, nice proportions,
beautiful well shaped head with good lines. Well placed ears.
Forechest under development. A bit sloping crop and well carried tail.
Moves a bit unstabile in hind, but otherwise straight and parallel.
Excellent coat/color