Norsk Kennel Klub Norwegian winner show , Norway 15/08-20
Leif-Herman Wilberg
Exc working class, best working class male, CQ
Excellent type, big and powerfull, could have a bit more elegance. Head has good lenght and paralellism. Small well placed ears, could be a bit more noble in scull. Very good angulations, powerfull body, very good back, excellent coat, moves very well.
Norsk Kennel Klub Norwegian winner show , Norway 15/11-19
Anita Whitmarsh
Exc working class, best working class male, CQ, 2nd best male & Res. Nordic CAC
Excellent impression, lovely proportions, very good hindquarters, a bit open in front, alert nice eyes, beautiful head, very good topline, good double coat, wonderful movement, superb temperament
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb Oslo/Akershus Specialty show Lillehammer ,
Norway 17/08-19
Pauline Stern-hanf
Exc working class, best working class male, CQ, BOB working, BISS2 working dog
6 years old presented in lovely condition. Excellent masculine head with nice belgian expresiion, excellent mask, nice medium brown eyes. nice set and carried ears. Excellent stop and parallelle plains, nice dry chizzled muzzle, he is loosing a bit pigment in mouth. A bit short in neck, topline could be tighter. Good rear agulations, moderate front angulation. Excellent deep chest, excellent movements, a bit loose in front.
Lovely coat with a warm color.
Lovely dog with a great temperament, typical head, just a little long in loin.
Norsk Eurasierklubb , Norway 21/07-19
Jasna Matejcic
Exc champion class, best champion class male, CQ, 2nd best male
Excellent type. Good size. Correct movements, close in behind. Enough angulated in front and rear. Enough neck. Correct line of head. Correct ears. Correct mask. Excellent topline. Correct coat. Slightly skinny
Norsk Eurasierklubb , Norway 20/07-19
Markku Kipinä
Exc champion class, best champion class male, CQ, 2nd best male
Good size, a bit long in loin, a bit straight in shoulders, coat ok. Masculin head, good ears and eye, could have more underjaw. Moves well from the sides, close in back and loose in front
AFBV / SBU Swedish Specialty Show , Sweden 30/05-19
Rui Alves Monteiro
VG working class, best working class male
Male with nice substance. Outline should be more square. Head is masculine. Would like better proportions between scull and muzzle. Stop needs to be closer to inner corner of eyes. Correct ears. Stands proudly. Level topline. Loin needs to be shorter. Well developed chest.
Coming and going front needs to be closer to ground
Klubben For Gårds-Og Fjellhunder Easter Show , Norway 20/04-19
Roberto Schill
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion class male,
CQ, 3rd best male
Correct scull. Underjaw could be a little bit wider. Good top- and underline. Slightly turned out front feet. Correct rear legs.
In movement a little narrow in the rear. Very good coat and temperament
Norsk Dobermann Klub , Norway 28/12-18
Donne Lucas
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion class male,
CQ, 2nd best male
Large masculine, excellent expression/head/forchest and front angulation. Very good hind angulation.
Level topline. Excellent coat, moves well and light on feet.
Norsk Eurasierklubb Østlandet , Norway 15/07-18
Åke Cronander, Sweden
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, 3rd best male
Very good apperance. Beautiful head and expression. Good neck, suff chest, well build. Good topline and angulations.
Good coat, bone and paws. Moves with good reach, a bit close behind
Norsk Kennel Klub Melsomvik , Norway 02/06-18
Rodney Oldham
Ex champion class, best working class male,
Male of good size and type. A bit long in loin. Beautiful head prop. Nice mask. Suff parallel lines. Medium size ears. Body could be a bit more oval shaped. Quite strong ang behind. Suff on the move. Lovely coat quality. Nice temperament and presentation
Klubben For Gårds-Og Fjellhunder , Norway 31/03-18
Rony Doedijns
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male & BOB
Male of good size and type. A bit long in loin. Beautiful head prop. Nice mask. Suff parallel lines. Medium size ears. Body could be a bit more oval shaped. Quite strong ang behind. Suff on the move. Lovely coat quality. Nice temperament and presentation
Norsk Kennel Klub Kristiansand , Norway 17/03-18
Bente Harlem, Norway
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion class male, CQ
Crufts 2018 Birmingham , UK 08/03-18
Jean Lawless, Ireland
VHC (5th place in open class)
Norsk Kennel klub Bø Nordic , Norway 17/02-18
Tuire Okkola
Exc champion class, 3rd best champion class male,
stands square, well body, good bones, a bit lose in elbows, good chiseling, well set ears, good pigmentation, good coat texture, moves very close behind and lose in front but good drive from side, good tail carry.
Sandefjord Hundeklubb, Norway 13/01-18
Rui Oliveria
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male, BOB & BOG2
Lovely head, excellent front, excellent quarters, nice siluette, good ribcage, good coat, good movements
Norsk Dobermann Klub, Norway 29/12-17
Dagmar Klein
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male & BOB
Correct type, correct expression of the head, good bones, correct angulation, while moving front and back should be more paralell, moving free, nice temperament
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb Rogaland Specialty show, Norway 16/12-17
Kelly Lawless, Ireland
Exc champion class, best champion class male
5 y old, good size male, good lenght of muzzle, good stop, flat scull, muzzle line could be flatter, eyes could be a touch darker, good mask and cheekbones, well set ears, enough neck, a bit straight front, good chest, well angulated behind, good topline, moves well in profile and behind, front could be tighter, well presented :) good temperament
Norsk Kennel Klub Lillestrøm D4A Norwegain winner show, Norway 19/11-17
Jean Lawless, Ireland
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion class male,
CQ, 2nd best male, Res.CACIB
4 years old, upstanding male, exc coat and condition, exc attitude, harmonius in outline, good bone, expressive long head, good mask, tight lips, little loss of pigment, good volume in muzzel, could have straighter muzzel line, little receding in scull, minim. stop, very nice eyes and expresssion, tall ears, well set, little broad at base, exc neck and withers, good topline, good angul. in front and back, exc chest and underline, stands well, could be firmer at feet, exc side gait, a little close going, needs to firm up pasterns, exc temperament
Dansk Kennel Klub Herning Danish winner show, Denmark 05/11-17
Jadranka Mijatovic
Exc champion class
4 years old male, exc type size and bone, good lenght of head, but a bit to deep and fine in foreface, would like smaller ears, exc topline and exc mover, in exc condition
Dansk Kennel Klub Herning, Denmark 04/11-17
Wilma Roem
Exc champion class, 4th best champion class male
4 years old male, medio linear could be more square, combining elegance and power. Nice head carrige, masculine long head, Complete siccor bite, good mask, pigmentation of lips could be better, dark eyes, well carried ears, good brestcage, well angulated in rear, moderate in front, warm foam colour, sufficient undercoat, moves with good drive
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb Hordaland, Norway 30/09-17
Paul Lawless, Ireland
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male & BOS
4 yrs old. Very pleasing head, good length. Beautiful eyes + expression. Ears is well placed. Lovely reach of neck. Well defined withers, good topline, just a little long in loin. Excellent croup. Angulations good front + rear. Good boned, stands a little crooked in front, could be stronger in the paws. Super temprement, well-developed chest.
Moves freely, but balanced.
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb Rogaland, Norway 10/09-17
Brice Roise
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion class male,
CQ, 3rd best male
Frost got his critique in french from judge Brice Roise so I do not understand it
Norsk Kennel Klub Ekeberg, Norway 10/06-17
Paul Lawless, Ireland
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male, CACIB, BOS
& CRUFTS qualified
4 yrs old. Pleasing outline. He has good length of head and nice eye and expression. G head planes, could have a touch more underjaw. Earsize and placement is ok. Lovely reach of neck. Exc topline. Shade long in loin. Exc topline. G. bone and feet. Wonderful temperament. Presented in nice coat and condition. He has a nicely balanced side gait, good coming and going.
Klubben For Gårds-Og Fjellhunder Easter Show , Norway 15/04-17
Carmen Navarro Guisado
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion class male,
CQ, 3rd best male
Mask head, corr bite. Body is comp. good quality of coat.
In movement would like better drive in front
Norsk Dobermann Klub , Norway 29/12-16
Arne Foss, Norway
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male & BOS
Appealing male. Well build chamion male with good propotions. Good shape of head. Powerful scull. Good eyes. Typical neck and topline. Good sidemovements. Good coat structure. Ok mask. Very lovely temperament. Shown very well.
Norsk Kennel Klub Lillestrøm Norwegian winner , Norway 19/11-16
Dirk Spruyt
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion class male,
CQ, 3rd best male
3,5 years old good size male. Long expressive head, medium dark eyes. Complete scissor bite. Ears well set. good neck and back. slightly slopping croup. well developed chest. well angulated front and rear. front legs could be straighter. weak pasterns. moves narrow in the rear. turns front feet in when moving. nice warm colour. Enough mask.
Kongsberg Hundeklubb, Norway 13/11-16
Kurt Nilsson, Sweden
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male, BOB, BOG1 & BIS3
Lovely. Well shaped ears. Lovely expression. Excellent proportions. Excellent chest. Excellent angulated, bones and paws. Excellent movements.
Norsk Kennel Klub Lillehammer, Norway 13/08-16
Ligita Zake
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, 3rd best male & Res.CACIB
Strong male. Comp enough, nice head. Excl expression. Exc neck. corr topline.
Enough volume of body. a bit short ribcage.
Well angulated. Moves OK. A bit out of coat. Nice temp
Norsk Eurasierklubb Østlandet, Norway 10/07-16
Paul Lawless, Ireland
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male & BOB
Impressive upstanding 3 y old. Harmonius scull, good lenght head, mask line could be higher. Lacking refinement in scull, ears well placed, lovely reach of neck, well def withers, good croup. Angulation good rear, ok front, good coat condition. super temperament. Nicely sidegate, excellent coming / going.
Norsk Eurasierklubb, Norway 09/07-16
John Muldoon
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male & BOB
Lovely expression. Very nice presentation. Coat in fabolous condition. Very nice body, nice ribcage, good tailset. Moves well, showed well.
Tønsberg Hundeklubb, Norway 12/06-16
Ilona Onstenk-Schenk
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion class male, CQ, 2nd best male,
3 Year Good size. Short body. Long head. Well split mouth. Nice eyes. Nice ears. Good teeth. Rib cage could be longer + tail. Good coat and color. Movement behind medium, strong in front.
Norsk Kennel Klubb Drammen, Norway 04/06-16
Maija Heinilä
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, 2nd best male, CACIB
Excellent type. Good chissled head. Correct ears and placement of ears. Correct eyes. Well angulated.
Correct topline and croup. Ok bones. Lovely coat and color.
Moves breedlike.
Norsk Berner Sennenhundklubb, Norway 24/04-16
Gunnar Nymann
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male, BOB
Bearly 3 years. Good square body. Good lenght of bone. Good lenght and par head. Scissorbite. Correct mask. Good shaped eyes. Nice ears. Proud neck, Going well into the shoulders and topline. Well angulated. Ok in front. Good coat and color.
Norsk Doberman Klubb, Norway 23/04-16
Maritha Østlund-Holmsten, Sweden
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male, BOB
2 1/2 y appealing male of good type. On the larger size scale. Beautiful ...? typical head with beautiful well shaped eyes. Well carried ears of good size. In all detail an appealing dog. Good coat, nice mane and charbonnage.
Carries his tale very well
Klubben For Gårds-Og Fjelhunder Easter Show, Norway 27/03-16
Jadranca Mijatovic
Exc champion class, best champion class male,
CQ, best male, BOB
Almost 3 yr. Good size & bone. Nice head type. Good neck but too high to shoulder.
Well ang. Good text coat. Wonderful cond.
Norsk Doberman Klub, Norway 28/12-15
Rita Reyniers
Exc champion class, 3rd best champion male
2,5 Y. Corr bite. Expressive head with black mask and good ear set. G reach of neck. Strong back. Deep ? Slightly long in lines. Presented in a good coat condition.
Exc hindq. G feet. A bit close in heax.
Could have more drive in the movement. VG front movement
Kongsberg Hundeklubb, Norway 06/12-15
Zorica Salijevic
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion male,
CQ & 2nd best male
Correct head with good pigment. Good angulated body. Good angulations.
Good temperament.
Norsk Kennel Klub Hamar Norwegian winner show, Norway 17/10-15
Roger Vanhoenacker
Exc champion class, 3rd best champion male
G. square, well prop. head, g eye, ears could be better sit, g angul in front and rear, sloping croup, coat not in optimal cond., in the movement, very narrow in front
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb Specialty show, Norway 05/09-15
Gunter Althoff
Exc champion class, 2nd best champion male,
CQ, 3rd best male
Male scissor bite. Red/brown color. Enough mask, could be more defined. Dark eyes. Stop enough marked, quite good. Triangular ears, quite well, should be a bit smaller. Very good upper line, chest a little deeper. Ang. front quite good, in the rear a bit much. Paws in front should be shorter. Stand correct. Correct movements.
Norsk Kennel Klub Lillestrøm European Winner show, Norway 04/09-15
Rafael Malo Alcrudo
Exc champion class, 4th best champion male
In a class of 11 beautiful champions I`m so pleased with this result. Frost is also the only norwegian bred champion who got placed.
No critique given
Norsk Kennel Klub Trondheim, Norway 05/07-15
Kurt Nilsson, Sweden
Exc champion class, 2nd best ch class male, CQ,
3rd best male, Res. CACIB
Good shape of head with lovely expression. Excellent ears & eyes. Beautiful neck & back. Lovely silhouette. Excellent chest. Moves somewhat narrow. Excellent coat and color.
Oppdal Hundeklubb, Norway 14/06-15
Ilona Onstenk-Schenk
Exc champion class, best ch class male, CQ,
best male, BOB, BOG3
2 yrs. Nice type. V. good head w/beautiful dark eyes with good expression. Ears well set. Good mask. Well split mouth. Complete teeth. Medium bone. Deep chest.
Short body. The tail is enough lenght. Nice color. Excell temperament.
Moves with well balance.
Romsdal Hundeklubb, Norway 13/06-15
Beata Petkevica
Exc open class, best open class male, CQ, best male, CAC, BOB, BOG1 & BIS3
Attractive boy. Corr bite. Good mask. Good lenght head. Corr shape/color of eyes. ears. Exc high pl. neck. Proud carr. neck/head. G.l up arm. Stabile topline.
Corr. l tail. type style move
Norsk Kennel Klub, Norway 06/06-15
Torsten Lemmer
VG intermidiate class
2 years old male. Nice head. Brown eyes. Corr teeth. Good neck and topline. Good chest. Front and back vg. Good angulations. Good movement.
Norsk Doberman Klubb, Norway 26/04-15
Leif Ragnar Hjort, Norway
Exc intermidiate class, best intermidiate male, CQ, best male & BOS
Excellent type and size. Very beautiful masculine head. Correct bite. Great expression. Excellent neck, angels, breast development, over/under line.
Correct set tail, but could have been a "bit" happier in motion. Excellent coat.
Moves very well. Typical temperament.
Norsk Berner Sennenhundklubb, Norway 25/04-15
Saija Juutilainen
Exc intermidiate class, best intermidiate male, CQ, best male & BOB
22 month. Very appealing young male. Nice proportions and silhuette. Long masculine head with beautiful lines. Corr bite. Well set ears. Good mask. Nice expression. Excellent muscle conditioning. Angulated with good paws, bones and tail. Excellent coat. A little loose in front, but corr sidegate. Lovely temp.
Klubben For Gårds- Og Fjellhunder Easter Show, Norway 05/04-15
Ekatarina Senashenko
Exc intermidiate class, best intermidiate male, CQ, best male, BOB & BOG2
Very nice male. Corr type. G Prop. Corr head. Exc top and underline. Med angul in shoulder. Little bit close behind. Corr coat. Free movement
Norsk Kennel Klubb Kristiansand, Norway 15/03-15
Bo Skalin, Sweden
Exc intermidiate class, best intermidiate male, CQ, best male, CAC, CACIB & BOS
Lovely male. Correct type. Beautiful head with good expression. Compact body. Good neck. Enough v front/rear. V. lines. Pleasant temp.
Very promising
Norsk Boxerklubb, Norway 08/02-15
Maritha Østlund-Holsten, Sweden
Exc intermidiate class, best intermidiate male, CQ, best male & BOS
21 month male of pleasant model. Quadratic. Shapely head. Beautiful expression. Dark well placed eyes. Well placed and carried ears. Dental status could have been better, but bite ok. Need more depth in body. Good angles.
Typical movements. Coat and color ok.
Norsk Doberman Klubb, Norway 28/12-14
Gerard Jipping
VG intermidiate class, best intermidiate male
Vg type, corr in size, nice head, corr ear set, typ eye, g in front, stiff in hq,
little weak in f, narrow in hq
Dogs4All Lillestrøm Norwegian & Nordic winner Show, Norway 14-15/11-14
Day 1: Marion Ten Cate, Netherland
Day 2: Jeff Luscott, England
Day 1: Exc junior class, 2nd best junior male
Day 2: Exc junior class, best junior male, CQ, 3rd best male, Res.CAC &
No critique given
Norsk Miniatyrhund Klubb Hedmark, Norway 02/11-14
Jean Lawless, Ireland
Exc junior class, best junior male, CQ, best male, CAC, BOB, BOB junior, BOG1 & BIS4
17 months Excl type. harmonius in O. line Expressive head. excl lips, muzzle line(?) could be stronger. Excl lips, excl eye shape + colour, tall ears well set, Excl neck + t. line, slightly sloping in croup. g. ang. g chest + (don't understand the writing here)
Stands well, moves well (unclear) typ sidegate. could be stronger coming, Little weak in paststring G coat texture, Excl. temp
Norsk Miniatyrhund Klubb, Norway 01/11-14
Paul Lawless, Ireland
Exc junior class, best junior male, CQ, best male, CAC, BOS, BOB junior & BIS3 junior
17 month old G. size V. nice type. Pleasing head, a little broad in scull, Nice eye expr. Well placed ears. Scull lines falls away slightly. Lovely reach of neck. Well defined withers. G. topli. Slightly sloping croup. ok angul front/rear. Chest needs to develope. Feets could be a little cleaner comming.
Has a balanced sidegate.
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb Specialy Show, Norway 07/09-14
Thomas Nallin
Exc junior class, 2nd best junior male
15 m. old male w. ex type. Ears w g. size highset. G head planes. Dark eyes well set. Enogh neck G f. chest. Good ruff. Looks expressive and standing good topl. underl. littlebit raised. Ex. tail. G. croup. G. colour. G. texture. G. mask
G. movement w. g. lenght of stride. Little close in front
Norsk Belgisk Fårehundklubb Specialy show, Norway 06/09-14
Beata Stybrova
Exc junior class, best junior male, CQ, 3rd best male, Res.CAC & BOS junior
15 months, medium male, Excellent type, very nice head. Well shaped under eyes, Nice stop. Well set and carried ears. Good Size. Black eyes with lovely exp. Teeth ok. Exc. compacted body. Well ang. front and back. Enough chest for age. Little free elbows. Very good back. Exc. coat. Light faule colour. Med. mask.
Movement: Enough lenght, mintsing in front, nice temp.
Very nice precentation
Norsk Papillon Og Phalene Klubb, Norway 12/07-14
Pedro Sanches Delerue
Exc junior class, 2nd best junior male, CQ, Res.CAC
The critic from this show was destroyed in the washer
Norsk Berner Sennen Hundeklubb, Norway 30/03-14
Rob Douma
Exc junior class, best junior male, CQ, best male, CAC & BOB
10 months. Corr. Size. Squ built. Mask . w. alm. par. lines. Dark eyes. Corr. Bite. G. ear pl. corr. neck+withers. G. topline. Corr. Lenght o tail + Carr. Well ang.beh. Enoug in front. Nice youngster coat. G.bone. Slight oval sh feet. Moves w drive. Needs to tighten in front. Very well presented.
Norsk Doberman Klubb, Norway 29/12-13
Kurt Nilsson, Sweden
Excellent, 3rd place
Cheerful puppy with delightful mentality. Good head. Good ears. Good proportions. Adequate chest. Good angles for age. Excellent movement.
Norsk Dalmantiner Klubb, Norway 26/10-13
Benny Blid Von Schedvin
1st puppy dog class, Best of breed puppy
Balanced and very appealing puppy. Shapely head. Good ears and expression. Little narrow canines today. Excellent proportions. Good body for age.
Good bone and angles. Good step. Good coat.